Final Paper on the History of Philosophy

To begin with, the Ancient period of philosophy lasted from 7th century BC to 5th century AD and consisted of Pre-Socratic, Socratic, Hellenistic, and Roman periods. Moreover, Pre-Socratic period (7th – 5th Century B.C.) left only a few evidences of itself such as some texts and evidences of the following historians and philosophers. This period […]

Similarities of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity

Since the ancient times, people had an inherent belief in a higher power. Religion has evolved with the development of human civilization. New convictions have appeared. It cannot be unambiguously deduced whether religion depended on the level of human development, or vice versa, people’s beliefs were the key to progress. Religion is a kind of […]

Problem Solving

The process of problem-solving involves six major steps that must be followed to ensure the solution to the problem is met. The process includes problem definition, problem analysis, solutions to the problem presented, evaluation of the options involved in the problem solution, provision of the decision involved, and, finally, implementation of the options offered. The […]

The Idea of Jen According to Confucian Views

The Analects is a collection of teachings that communicate Confucian. The work represents an early Chinese culture and the fundamental principles that constitute its form and content, among which jen plays a significant role. This paper will investigate the concept of goodness in order to demonstrate how the idea of jen is represented in the […]

The Global Argument: Argument for Moral Experience (AME)

At times, we face tough decisions to be made, and that makes us value less who we are for the sake of others. This kind of situation makes us be less concerned with ourselves, hence focusing on the other people. At such a time, we reason and argue beyond the usual local way when our […]

Good Life Course

Silence Having a pace of life different from today’s pre-modern style, people placed an emphasis on pondering over important questions and spending time alone. Speaking little was a sign of wisdom, because people with scattered minds and overloaded with worries could not stay in silence. Their minds are racing, and their tongues are wagging. Religions […]

Love, Virtue and Wisdom

The Symposium was written between 385-370 BC by Plato. The script is a philosophical writing whose fundamental theme is love. Through the text, Plato presents a discourse on the origin, purpose and the various aspects of love. In the symposium, the subject of love is surveyed in a series of discourses presented by people who […]

The Rituals of Purification in Hinduism, Chinese Buddhism, and Shinto

The rituals of purification are characteristic of every culture, tradition, and religion since people always need certain instruments to restore their spiritual cleanness after possible interrelations with unclean entities. It is also important that the recovery of human purity justifies such socially needed action as forgiveness. The reason is that purification eliminates all the consequences […]

Ethics in Eating Animals

Irrespective of the cultural, religious, or political differences, it is evident that everybody has a favorite animal. Whether it is a goat, a dog, a horse, or a pig, it is clear that the connection that is created between the human and the animal is brought about by emotions one can develop towards these creatures. […]

On Being an Atheist

The ongoing metaphysical debate on the existence of God has at least two thousand years of tradition and history of arguments from all sides. McCloskey’s 1968 article “On Being an Atheist” is a fine example of reasoning and views that appear to be usual among western atheists at that time. This paper responds to central […]


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