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Secondary Research Analysis

Research Statement

A graduate job recruitment center can be established and excel in Doha, Qatar. The research is aimed at establishing the possibility of stating a job recruitment center in Doha. The research questions are: Are there possibilities of getting clients? Who could be the clients? Who are the competitors? The answers to these questions are expected to help arrive at a solution how the company should work at the chosen market.

Geographic Area of Market

NARS seeks to benefit from the market in Doha, which is the capital of the State of Qatar. Presently this city has a population of close to one million people. Doha is situated in the Persian Gulf section of Qatar. This city is a local hub for many things. Education complexes and international institutions have set their base at Doha. Islam is the primary religion of close to 70% of the whole population of the state. Dona is a highly organized city with most of the luxurious establishments located not far from the gulf. Doha has the excellent transport network. This city has international airports that link it to the rest of the world. It also has good road networks that are used to carry multiple carriages to all the parts of the state. The ocean port located in Doha acts as a transit terminal for commerce imports and exports.

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The weather in this city is very hot for long seasons of the year. Such extremely high temperatures mean that electrical installations of air conditions are a must in most houses in Doha. The population has been increasing with an average annual growth of 10%. Since Doha is located in a dry region, most of the food products have to be imported from arable nations. Doha is a sporting city with many sports academies located within it.

Economic Indicators

Doha is an economic center in the region. The main revenue source is from oil and gas business. The Persian Gulf is globally known for its massive production of oil and oil products. The presence of oil fields means that a lot of money flows within this city.

Doha has several regional and international organizations. These organizations bring the number of employees and expatriates who stay and contribute to the economy of the region.

Very many buildings have been constructed in the recent past. These constructions reveal that there is a lot of demand for housing in the city. It is also true that many landlords have raised rents. The rise in rents is an indicator of growth and expansion in the economy. Several sports personalities have equally set base in Doha. The presence of such athletes adds money into the economy as a result of their huge pay. In general, Doha has stable indicators that explain its robust economy. Local and international banks have been working in Doha. The presence of such big international banks, such as Barclays, reveals that there are a lot of money exchanges in this city.

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Market Area’s Economy and the Economy within the Market

The target market is the students and graduates within Doha and the neighborhood. Many universities are situated in Doha and its neighborhood. The universities include Qatar University, George Town University of Qatar, Mellon University, as well as several international universities, such as Harvard. These universities prepare the large number of graduates each year. Some universities even graduate students twice in a year. The large number of graduates ends up without jobs for the long periods of time. In most cases many graduates stay for the long terms on the jobs that are out of their field of study.

NARS seeks to bridge the gap that exists in the life of these graduates in Doha. The connection fees to be charged are affordable to the jobless graduates. The majority of the graduates do some jobs even though not in their area of study. The money that they obtain from such ventures can enable them access services offered by NARS.

We also target to get business from universities. We plan to create links between our office and the university deans’ offices. Since the universities have huge economic might, they will be able to provide good cash flows to NARS. Some companies within Doha and the entire Qatar seek for the talented and genius workforce. Our office intends to help such companies get the best for their workforce. NARS will be affected by the economy of the students, companies and institutions of higher learning. These three vital stakeholders have stable economic positions. The oil production in Doha also provides stable cash flows to the economy. Oil workers and the regional company managers stay in Doha and its neighborhood.

Competition Analysis

Direct and Indirect Competition

Competition analysis assesses the presence of other key players doing the same business. NARS seeks to connect students within Doha and the entire Qatar. Direct competition is experienced from other student recruitment agencies within Qatar. One of such student recruitment centers are Gulf Times, which is located in Qatar. They always carry out periodic events and workshops for the students and the workforce. The presence of Gulf Times means that part of the business that NARS intends to undertake has already been taken. Indirect competition comes from universities. These institutions of higher learning always organize career fairs and exhibitions once or twice a year. During such exhibitions, students and various employment agencies usually interact and share contacts with each other. Several universities and colleges have planned an annual recruitment fair. However, NARS seeks to come in and avail recruitment services throughout the year.

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Competition Evaluation

NARS has competition from recruitment agencies, for instance, Gulf Times, as well as from institutions of higher learning. Gulf Times visits universities during career exhibitions in to create linkages. Such a move sees this company attain addresses needed for connections. Gulf Times has a running website on the internet. NARS intends to avail itself at the career fairs that are organized by the universities. We also look forward to organizing our own career exhibitions three times a year to increase our presence at the market. While other recruitment agencies have websites on the internet, NARS is also going to operate its website and various blogs. We also intend to advertise and create awareness of our services through social media forums, such as facebook.com, twitter.com and whatsapp.com. Nowadays, most graduates are techno savvy individuals. Thus, using technology to access them is likely to work great success. Competition from institutions of higher learning can be used as an opportunity to advertise. NARS will attend the exhibitions and sponsor various stands in such events. Different university career exhibitions will also provide room for interaction with various stakeholders in the business. Universities further have linkages and placement offices. These spaces are used to provide adverts for jobs. Students also take their contacts to be used to source from different job offers. NARS intends to have links with these university placement offices to connect students and employees.

Competitive Market

The student career recruitment market is large. The providers of recruitment services are many, and the consumers of the same services are a lot in the Doha and Qatar region, as well. As each year many students graduate from colleges and universities in Doha and Qatar, they must struggle to get jobs. Some end up hiring themselves in the workplaces that cannot fit their areas of training. Such frustrated students are a potential market for the services offered by the NARS career recruitment center. Some students seek for attachment and internship opportunities without success. The NARS career recruitment center is placed to offer linkages that shall help students get internships easily.

Another set of consumers for the NARS career recruitment center services are the companies that are seeking for the talented workforce. The NARS career recruitment center will develop a mechanism aimed at identifying the top students and talented individuals and creating a link between them and the companies. The NARS career recruitment center will also organize various exhibitions to help identify the best performers in talent search.

Universities also look for the ways of having their graduates absorbed into the workforce. These universities also qualify as buyers of the services offered by the NARS career recruitment center. A competitive market has buyers and sellers in equal measure. Providers of student recruitment services include Gulf Times and other student linkages firms. Some universities, for instance, Qatar University, also offer career fairs aimed at linking students and graduates to potential employers.

Demand Analysis

Market Segmentation Process

The main market for the NARS career recruitment center is the students who have already graduated from either colleges or universities. Other minor markets include universities and employers. Thousands of graduates do not have the slightest idea where they are supposed to get jobs.

Small Business Management

The graduates seeking for the first time employments are the primary target clients. Most of these graduates have no access to continuous flows of cash. Finding a job is their primary need at this point. The fresh graduates form a very vital market segment. Competition arises from other recruitment agencies, such as Gulf Times. These companies have been in the business of assisting students get jobs for some years. We intend to offer more platforms through social media, such as like facebook.com and twitter.com. The NARS career recruitment center intends to help continuing students and even graduates look for attachment and internship opportunities. The internship level of linkage is not as urgent as the fresh graduates’ job placements. Some already employed people look for different opportunities to advance their career. These people look for higher position jobs and high salaries. These people are also a target for the NARS career recruitment center. The fresh graduates, however, offer a bigger market share compared to the other two.

Trends in the Economy

Doha is a city that is greatly dominated by events in the oil sector. The main source of revenue in this city is the proceeds from oil and natural gas income. A lot of money flows in this city when the price of oil has gone high. More natural gas expatriates come to this city in professional terms. The presence of such expatriates increases business for graduate recruitment agencies. Tourists also visit Doha during different sporting events. Sports tourism has widely been used as a source of economic income in this town. The visitors who come as sports fans end up leaving a lot of money in Doha. Such huge financial flows help boost the economy of Doha and the entire Qatar state. Religious festivals also work for the good of the economy. A greater percentage of people in Doha are Muslims. Annual and periodic Muslim events attract many adherents of Islam. Some of the visitors come from the faraway countries.

Market Segments

The students seeking for attachment opportunities form the first segment of clients. These students look for opportunities to gain the much-needed experience for their careers. Students, however, fail in the area of finances. Few of them are willing to hire the services of a career recruitment center. The fresh graduates are in great need for jobs. Such people are willing to sacrifice all they have just to get jobs. Fresh graduates form the biggest market share. They have access to money needed by firms, such as the NARS career recruitment center, because their sponsors desire the success in job placements. The third category comprises the clients seeking for greener pastures. Even though they exist, they rarely use the services offered by the NARS career recruitment center or other companies. People seeking job promotions get to know of the opportunities from their trusted friends who are mostly insiders in the targeted jobs. The fresh graduates are the main target of the NARS career recruitment center.

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Project Site and Area Evaluation

The site of the NARS career recruitment center is the city of Doha. The specific region in Doha is Al Rayyan neighborhood. This is a sporting center with a major stadium in Qatar. Most soccer lovers come to Al Rayyan during major football events. Al Rayyan is the biggest sub-state or municipality within the country of Qatar. Al Rayyan is also a tourist attraction center because of its many ancient monuments. In Al Rayyan, there are many universities and colleges. These institutions of learning provide ready clients for the recruitment business. Al Rayyan is easily accessible by road and water. This region is situated in the lower side of Qatar, which gives it an additional advantage of access.

Describe the Project Site

Evaluate Accessibility and Adaptability of the Site Selection

Al Rayyan is an economic hub within Doha. The presence of universities and colleges within Al Rayyan make it a good site for a job recruitment center. Al Rayyan is also a residential area that hosts people who work in other sections of Doha and Qatar. The high population translates into more business for the NARS career recruitment center. The population growth in Al Rayyan is steady, which is good for business. More people have been reported to come every decade.

Estimates of Operating Results

Estimates of Operating Results

The estimates of the operating cost are divided into four sections. The numbers in the table are in US dollars. Each of these sections represents half of a year. The six months estimates spans from the very first month of operation. Four of the six months estimates are given in the graph above. In the first six months of work, the NARS career recruitment center expects revenue of $ 15,000. This money is against an estimated cost of $ 30,000. This means that the NARS career recruitment center expects to collect less money compared to its initial costs of running the business. The next six months are expected to be better than the first one. In six months since its establishment, more clients are expected to come around and use the services of the NARS career recruitment center. The second half profit is expected at $ 30,000 against an estimated cost of $ 25,000. Cumulative cost of $ 55,000 is estimated for the first year. The first year revenue is estimated at $ 45,000. The second year is expected to be better. Six months of the second year are expected to raise revenue of $ 70,000. The last half of the second year is estimated at $ 100,000. A steady growth is evident from the early stages of the NARS career recruitment center operation.

Operational Costs

Cost of rent and electricity500
Exhibition costs4000
Stationery bills500
Transport allowance3000
Total costs60000


Analyze Cost / Benefit Relationship

The cost needed to run the NARS career recruitment center is given in the table above. The total cost of operating in the first year is estimated at $ 60,000. This amount of money is distributed as shown in the table above. The revenues expected in the first year are $ 45,000. The second year revenues are estimated at $ 170,000. The business is estimated to be in profits by the first half of the second year. More money is used in salaries at the very beginning. Adjustments can be made to hire few people when the business is just starting. However, more people will be needed as expansion and publicity increase.

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Economic Feasibility

The NARS career recruitment center has a great potential for success in Doha, as well as Qatar. The large number of students leaving colleges or universities provides an excellent market for recruitment services. The NARS career recruitment center has an opportunity to reach the international community through online sites that can be checked across the globe.


The NARS career recruitment center comes into play at a time when many graduates lack jobs despite excellent qualification from universities or colleges. It should be noted that the rate at which the graduates are absorbed into the workforce is, however, slow. This means that many graduates stay jobless over the years. Some graduates also have jobs in the areas that they have not been trained in. This means that they should wait for the right jobs to come. The NARS career recruitment center has a high probability of success. The economic dynamics of Doha can provide a good ground for success. Many graduates can afford the fees of placement. The colleges and universities take part in the student linkage program. A lot of market is, therefore, available as a result of the large number of higher learning institutions that exist in Doha.

Market Potential

The fresh graduates from universities and colleges in Doha and Qatar provide a good potential for the market. These graduates need jobs as soon as they get out of the institutions of learning. Online access through websites and social media helps the NARS career recruitment center to get clients from other regions of the world.


The NARS career recruitment center has a lot of potential for growth and success. The center is aimed at getting clients from Doha and its neighborhood. The presence of many universities in Doha provides a good opportunity for the NARS career recruitment center to access clients easily. The economic situation in Doha provides good cash flows for businesses to thrive. This region is a major oil producer in the globe. The NARS career recruitment center seeks to access the large number of graduates who leave universities annually in order to offer them different employment opportunities. The business is estimated to start with low returns in revenue, but more money are expected to come as the awareness of people increases. The NARS career recruitment center is estimated to break even after one year. The presence of online technology further exposes the center to clients from overseas. The business is viable and has high growth potential in Doha in particular and Qatar in general.